Inktober day 7 prompt- Exhausted

The prompt is reflective of how I feel at the moment. We haven't even gotten through a third of the month and I'm already exhausted from having to think of interesting things to write about every day. I finally empathise with columnists and feature writers as regards the pressure and fatigue they're often plagued with- it really is extremely tiring to generate content on a regular basis. At least this is my hobby; in their case, it's what puts food on the table (except, of course, when they have an endless supply of monetary funding from an aunt/ uncle trying to live his/ her passion to pursue a career in the arts through said beneficiary)

In keeping with the tone of the prompt, I am going to keep this short and snappy.

At the moment, I am neither an early bird nor a night owl- I'm more of a permanently exhausted pigeon making her way through the day with much difficulty. The principal cause for this is my having to wake at the delightfully early hour of 5 AM every day over the past two weeks and the thought of having to do so for another six months at least. I am by nature, though, a night owl (I know this is in contradiction with what I said a couple of sentences ago, but bear with me) and my biological clock is tuned to hibernation between the hours of 1 AM and 9 AM. Consequently, I have been unable to fall asleep by 11:30 PM; try as I might and have been having barely 4 hours of sleep everyday. Obviously I'm a zombie through the day and in two weeks, the exhaustion has penetrated so deeply into my being that I have become numb to the body pain.

I realise I sound like a delightful ray of sunshine in this post so I think I'm going take your leave for the moment with the concluding confession that tremendous physical and mental exhaustion has been the reason behind the irregularity of posts over the past couple of days.

Yours truly. 


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